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10 January 2018
Think. Act. Civilize by learning the science behind Propaganda.
749 571
22 December 2017.
How does your policy or programme impact people's wellbeing? Is it good value?
306 272
22 December 2017.
How to use feedback formats to run group feedback sessions in the arts, schoools and business
387 326
20 December 2017.
Customs and traditions.
473 416
08 December 2017.
This course provides a general introduction to the history of ancient Egypt
561 489
03 December 2017.
Πλήρης εισαγωγικός οδηγός για αρχάριους με παραδείγματα και προκλήσεις για γρήγορη εκμάθηση
225 166
02 December 2017.
639 297
01 December 2017
242 208
29 November 2017
Gamification, Solve Real Learning Problems and Motivate Learners
868 756
24 November 2017.
322 276
23 November 2017.
632 326
22 November 2017.
本單元正式進入微分學,最重要的是導函數就代表函數切線的斜率若函數是時間的函數就代表瞬間的變化率 導函數就是所謂的微分
212 216
270 249
21 November 2017.
1. 複習基礎三角函數的觀念,2. 熟練三角函數的特別角與恆等式,3. 三角函數的圖形 4.三角函數的導函數
211 160
21 November 2017.
1.由反導數說起,到尋找函數之反導數的技巧 2. 學習不同型態的函數,如有理函數的積分技巧 3.萊布尼茲符號
149 141