Learn the basics of screencasting in less than two hours: embrace a new technology for team building and communication.
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Emmet is plugin for text editors that helps you write HTML and CSS faster. Work quicker saving time & making more money.
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A quick and easy guide to SAP ABAP debugging for Functional Consultants
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在選擇文字編輯器時,專業度、好上手、多樣套件通常是選擇的要點,而且最好要好看且具有設計感;在這些複雜的要求下, Atom 滿足了這些需求,且在開源的加持下,豐富的套件也不斷湧出。
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從安裝到應用,從觀念到實做,快速學會 sublime 應用的絕佳指南。利用各項實用外掛擴展你的 Sublime Text 功能,再也不用等慢吞吞的Dreamweaver了~
177 162