Learn the basics of system administration for the Windows 10 operating system, as well as some basic computer skills
170 151
872 610
464 381
Learn how to identify, start, stop, restart and manage key services on Windows 10 as well as their relevant cmd commands
195 173
Learn the technical skills required to setup a Windows IT Audit lab based on Windows Server 2019 and Windows 10
4284 3317
How to Install Windows 8 - This class will provide students with a step by step example of installing Windows 8
911 672
Step-by-step guide for setting up Ubuntu on WSL, creating AWS account and configuring AWS CLI on your Windows machine
2998 2193
Introducción a los sistemas operativos para Servidores con Windows Server 2012 y Linux Ubuntu Server
2318 1826
Aprenda na prática a criar o seu Laboratório Virtual, Instalar e Configurar um Servidor com o Windows Server 2016
1246 943
Learn how to take great screenshots on your Windows 10 PC using built-in programs and tools that few people know about
1162 1030