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Python NumPy, Pandas, Matplotlib and Seaborn for Data Analysis, Data Science and ML. Pre-machine learning Analysis.
हिंदी में सीखें Basics of Machine Learning - covers Simple Linear Regression & Multiple Linear regression in Python
16 September 2024
أساسيات الذكاء الاصطناعي: مقدمة عن تقنيات الذكاء الاصطناعي من معهد "ام تي اف" للإدارة والتقنية والمالية
04 October 2023
Learn everything you need to know to start your studies in Machine Learning! Theory and practice!
27 September 2023.
Predicting Boston house price with Linear Regression using scikit-learn !!
03 May 2023
Pruning, Quantization, Knowledge distillation, Factorization
05 March 2023
How to combine Artificial Neural network and Genetics Algorithms to build powerful AI
19 December 2017.
Natural Language Processing, Machine Learning, Computer Vision, Expert System, and Deep Learning
11 April 2017
To Learn machine learning , Be a learning Machine