1638 1408
Automatically track email signups with Googlesheets, Google Scripts, Zapier, & Mailchimp
937 799
Go beyond the standard Lego EV3 software with a text-based programming system with many extra functions.
1920 1604
Learn how to take scanned historical air photos out of the back room and create high quality ortho mosaics
346 316
A software engineer's starter guide to Apache Maven using step-by-step tutorials.
1455 1262
Hit the ground running with Tableau Desktop - develop 10 core skills for one of the fastest growing job markets in IT!
7045 5933
This course should prepare you for Salesforce App Developer certification.
4958 3706
Learn and Start building Verification Testbenches in SystemVerilog based Verification Methodologies - OVM and UVM
1922 1442
Learn How to Be Creative in MS Word Step by Step. Get easy step by step instructions to make a card in Microsoft Word.
1990 1630
"A great introduction to four of Googles most popular tools - Gmail, Google Drive, Google Docs and Google Calendar"
1459 1126
1435 1241
Aprenda a fazer todas a configurações de boas práticas com vídeos de demonstração.
728 540
تعلم كل شيء تريده في مايكروسوفت وورد 2013 من الصفر حتى الاحتراف من لاشيء تعرفه عنه الى كل شيء تعرفه :)
982 837
343 251
تعلم صناعة الدوائر الالكترونيه المطبوعه عبر تطبيق عملى وهو باور سبلاى متغير الخرج
1083 907