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English Udemy Courses

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18 April 2018
Filtering, SUMIFS, Pivot Tables, Conditional Formatting
3476 2800
office-productivity office-productivity
17 April 2018
Learn Jenkins from scratch
2887 2490
development-tools development-tools
17 April 2018
Physical Layer ,BMM Layer and Presentation Layer
732 658
sql sql
17 April 2018
Learn Visualization techniques to tell a simple story using complex data
1255 1170
sql sql
17 April 2018
Develop a complete app without writing a single line of code - iOS 11 and Xcode 9
971 846
ios ios
16 April 2018
Learn Swift for iPhone iOS development, no programming development experience is required. Swift for complete beginners
1267 980
ios ios
15 April 2018
Learn the ABC of cucumber and integrating it with Selenium
2863 2273
java java
14 April 2018
in this course I'll be teaching you how to hang a wall mount for your TV. It's very simple. But we go over it all.
483 443
lifestyle lifestyle
14 April 2018
Create a Professional Listing, Directory or Real Estate website With WordPress, Step by Step
1152 1033
wordpress wordpress
13 April 2018
Ace AP Computer Science A and get an Introduction to Java
1436 1197
java java
13 April 2018
Take your business one step further. Make and build a beautiful and successful website. Learn & master Wordpress easily!
1066 948
wordpress wordpress
12 April 2018
Learn to understand the core of PHP and MySQL. Take the full course and Build a Database Web App
2213 1929
php php
12 April 2018
✓ Regulate stress responses ✓ Restore well-being to mind and body ✓ Develop self-control in every situation
1241 801
personal-development personal-development
11 April 2018
A guide for PLM & SAP technology
2680 1977
programming-other programming-other
11 April 2018
Learn automation testing with Katalon Studio from scratch
1550 1193
development-tools development-tools