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English Udemy Courses

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26 January 2018
How to evaluate regression model performance in R
467 429
business business
25 January 2018
An introduction into the strategy of prayer for a basis of your missions endeavors.
418 377
personal-development personal-development
25 January 2018
In this section we take the time to understand a little more about our current situation so that we can gain clarity.
373 341
personal-development personal-development
25 January 2018
Using the Reframing technique to develop new perspectives and new behaviour
517 421
personal-development personal-development
25 January 2018
No Gym, Tabata Training for All Fitness Levels
2520 2101
health-fitness health-fitness
25 January 2018
Resolving Relationship Challenges with Meridian Tapping.
793 666
personal-development personal-development
24 January 2018
A simple guide to get you started on the road to playing the 4-string Banjo, no musical knowledge needed
496 433
music music
24 January 2018
Training Programme for Enterprise Advisers in Birmingham
219 218
personal-development personal-development
23 January 2018
Become an expert/super user in all aspects of the system.
681 631
development-tools development-tools
23 January 2018
Learn how to separate yourself from all the other DJ's and MC's.
456 379
music music
22 January 2018
Reviews the external environmental factors and internal organizational capabilities that impact how a company operates
724 644
marketing marketing
22 January 2018
In this section, you start by understanding how you arrived to exactly the point at which you’re standing.
354 313
personal-development personal-development
22 January 2018
Science, Impacts and Strategies to Save Water
425 415
lifestyle lifestyle
21 January 2018
Using Buffer to simplify your social media scheduling.
912 795
marketing marketing
21 January 2018
General Washington at the Battles of Trenton and Princeton
321 263
academic academic